They ogled the masses and then they were gone The Lost Hanging Gardens of old Babylon Grown in the desert from the shriveled and curled To be one of seven wonders of the Lord’s ancient world
They trekked snow-capped mountains, some leap-frogged the seas Pilgrimaged continents with seeds for the trees Smuggled rare ferns in, disguised as their hats Brought in forbidden seeds fed to their rats
Diverted the rivers with conduits of stone Underground waterways bubbling with foam Inside a rock valley cylinder entombed Could but for the camo be seen from the moon
For the painfully few, those allowed in the know No trip of distance was too far to go To enter dark tunnels that led under sand To the greatest of wonders of a most ancient land
Where eyes once adjusted saw staggering sights The giant pots hung from unknowable heights And cool rushing waters sloshed fresh underfoot All Kings of the world in their places were put
Then came the passing of great winds and time The rocks became sand and the sand turned to lime But here for a moment, and that moment was gone Who knows the fate of the great Babylon?
The call came in from Maternity ward And brought to the attention of the Hospital Board A girl was born with a tickle-in-the-brain The question being was or was she not insane
She started moving little things around the room Then it was a dust pan and the big push broom The doctors and the nurses all were quite surprised Acute telekinesis and electric eyes
Her parents wouldn’t give consent to further testing They believed the baby should be home and resting They schooled her in the home every day ‘till three And hid all the remotes but she still watched TV
She drank up all the news and saw a world at war But couldn’t understand what all the fighting was for The Nature channel moved the girl until she cried But everything was different when she looked outside
Finally they had to let her out to play When others saw what she could do they ran away She liked to use her thoughts to turn the street lights on Her mind was growing powerful, a magic wand
The world was out of balance with more bad than good Others couldn’t fix it, but she knew she could So one day when the air pollution made her cough She came to the conclusion it should be turned off
Headed for the outskirts and she climbed a hill The world would be administered a bitter pill Sitting on the grassy hillside, legs were crossed She would shut the rat race down at any cost
It was obvious the leaders didn’t give a shit So she closed her eyes and followed through with it She tapped the power of the tickle in her brain The birds came out to sing and the sky began to rain
Sixty-five years later, she turned it all back on But all the trains were rusted and the industries were gone Mighty trees grew from the cracks at center in the street And buffalo came thundering by on mighty hooven feet
The garbage dumps had sunk to sumps, migrations filled the air Where stacks once plumed, bright flowers bloomed and nothing wild was rare Then came many landings by our neighbors from the stars “You saved it just in time, or Planet Earth would look like Mars”
Her ancestors lived here for ten thousand years Their legends foretold a sky raining with tears And so it became more than legend one day When came the great melting that swept them away
Lost from her village that day on the beach She grabbed for a white woolen rug within reach And that is the story of how she became The wandering child of Polar Bear fame
All and around her the ice cubes did swirl How could she know they were icebergs, this girl? No longer mountainous pillars of ice But when she grew thirsty they tasted quite nice
And what of the snowy behemoth beneath her Swimming through seas that reflected the ether Shielding her body from bone chilling cold This was the story the legends had told
Now and again did the girl set her eyes on Just a mirage on the empty horizon Still did the beautiful, dutiful bear Use ursine paws to ferry her there
While she making notes in the small of a book Scanned for a landing on some rock or nook Alas though, the ocean withheld sanctuary And both dreamed at night of the plant and the berry
Drifting together off into the mists She having written the longest of lists To document all for some future society What had been lost due to mans impropriety
The squirrels, the rabbits the rhinos the shrews The polished white castles in marble tone hews Industries, Christmas trees Bible, Koran Created and ultimately undone by man
And now even here in the future is said Those on the coast late at night in their bed Can still hear the scratch of her wandering pen Drifting the seas on her furry white friend
AD 3520 Thirty-five twenty, hand transfer your money Lounging in the Porto-car, approaching destination star Juices served, with hors d'oeuvres, zero-gravity in case we swerve Thought controlled accessories, mind-control screen memories
Automatic tires, meteorite-metal wires Use high beam corona for maximum Daytona Mercurial slingshot, disengage the robot Reverse polarity, enter singularity, donate to your favorite charity
Thirty-five twenty-one, focus on a distant sun Porto-car two point oh, feel your fascination grow Wander off the beaten track, jet star moonbeam Cadillac Launched from Bristol, faster than a pistol
Underway replenishment, dilithium chrystal Thirty five twenty three, man as he was meant to be Universe sterile, all in peril, just another laboratory bug gone feral Encapsulate message, initiate sendage, simulation ended, none befriended Time reversal, switch to inertial, please stay with us as we break for commercial
Out for fun one Summers day My dog, myself and I Took a path through a wood With occasionally good Open glimpses of the sky
We stopped to eat (a granola bar) And sat by the edge of a brook We fell into a long, deep sleep While leafing through a book
We arose to flies of enormous size And bugs that were up to our knees Big humongous spongy fungus Hung from all the trees
A boulder I was sitting on Turned out to be a turtle When it lifted up and walked away My scream would've made your blood curdle
Onward we pushed further into the forest Right through a family unit of Loris The leaf padded floor was soft and porous Acoustically perfect for natural chorus
Then we discovered a narrow passage And blindly we felt our way through Stumbling out of the other side Where the sky was a shocking blue
We had now entered a valley Untouched since the dawning of time Where huge ferns swayed and dragon-flies played In a balmy primordial clime
Leathery birds soared Feathery lizards roared There were mile-long herds Of gigantic dinosaurs
We walked on the rocks Avoiding the quicksand Found perfect places To set up our trail-cams
We'd check all the film When we came through again And sell the best photographs To CNN
Then I woke up- still back at the brook I had fallen asleep with my dinosaur book So I packed up the camp and headed back home With no explanation for the pics on my phone!
The Earth began to crystallize at 5:18 Weirdest set of circumstances ever seen Just sat down and I started lunch Someone cut the power and I heard this crunch
Don’t know how it happened but it happened fast Now my big concern is if the change will last Rumor has it someone spilled enriched plutonium Turned the planet's surface into rubis zirconium
Apparently a plan to sell a bunch of jewelry But mother nature doesn’t tolerate tom foolery Now sitting at the park to feed the birds is through Benches made of crystal make me black and blue
Everybody’s signing up to go to Mars Those who can’t afford a ticket drink in bars Never realized how close to Earth we felt Maybe in the heat of Summer this will melt
Four Corners Regional, this is Icarus one The monsoons are seasonal, they have begun Took out some geese with the engine on starboard Clipped our left wing it was made out of cardboard
Roger that Icarus One do you copy Check your fuel level the ground crew got sloppy Routing you now to a circular pattern Radar is down, navigate using Saturn
Roger that Four Corners swinging around Seems to be something below hanging down Icarus we can see that from down here We can confirm that it’s your landing gear
Notify crew using silent alarm Tell all the passengers they won’t be harmed Open the manual find a new route Then deploy forward emergency chute
Icarus One your port engines on fire Too near the ground can you take her up higher Tie-downs have all ripped away from the cleats Get all the passengers strapped in their seats
Four Corners Regional, Icarus One Looks like there isn’t much left can be done Taking her down try to ditch in the sand Icarus One that’s a good place to land
Searching for gold in the desert southwest A prospector stopped for a moment to rest Found an old airliner made it his home Now he and the passengers live in this poem
It seemed like only yesterday They jumped from a plane Confident of mastery Over the skydiving game
Traveling metropolitans With wind-blown hair Floating down in tandem Through the tropical air
They had to pull their cords To steer away from shore Sinking toward a hole They hadn’t noticed before
Hidden by the jungle But a city block wide It swallowed up the couple As they slowly sank inside
Kom-totta-loo So the legend goes A place that time forgot When everyplace else froze
Kom-totta-loo The native’s 'hidden promised land’ They floated in together And they landed hand in hand
The first thing they noticed Was the lack of any sound The rushing water ankle deep Was swirling ‘round and ‘round
Each undid the other’s harness As their eyes adjusted Tripping over helicopters Broken wrecked and rusted
Somewhere in the darkness They heard a rumbling growl ‘Baby, I’m afraid’ she said ‘The air smells rank and foul’
Overhead their entry-point Was clearly out of reach The only other option leading Inland from the beach
A passageway, a tunnel Over time-worn beaten sand They walked into what native’s called The 'hidden promised land’
Kom-totta-loo Land beneath the trees Native’s rarely speak the name And only from their knees
Kom-totta-loo Halfway point to hell Place of no-return where only Evil spirits dwell
Reaching in his pocket He drew a match for fire Watched it flicker in a draft And then it’s flame expired
Giving them direction And a needed course of action Slipping on the moistened rocks That made it hard for traction
The suffocating darkness Made it very hard to see The ancient drawings on the wall From many moons B.C.
He lit another precious match She held tight to his arm The drawings were of monsters And they gave her great alarm
Also on the wall he saw A blackened carbon scorch Not long after that they found A useful tiki-torch
Allowing them to follow All the pictures on the wall They walked against the draft And listened hard for freedoms call
Moving somewhere close behind They heard a shuffling sound The creatures of the darkness Must be swarming all around
They knew they wouldn’t last for long Inside this maze of caves Ending up as dinner or As two of Satan’s slaves
The spirits were behind them They heard waves up ahead They had to make a move or else They soon could end up dead
At the limit of the torchlight They saw an open hole From it came the splashing of Their open ocean goal
Arm in arm they took another Second leap of faith Dropping in the water Leaving darkness to the wraithe
In only but a moment They were outside on the beach Setting up a signal for A rescuer to reach
Then that rescue came thereafter In a month or two No one really knowing if The harrowed tale was true
Later when they led a party Back to find the hole They didn’t find a cavern nor A cave or Christian soul
Kom-totta-loo Drop in again and soon Darkness will be waiting for you ‘Neath the black new moon
Kom-totta-loo Halfway point to hell There the natives say is where The evil spirits dwell
Joseph John Racano
Carbuncle and the Red Ruby Stone
Exploring where South Patagonia ends Yaffa the Seeker lost family and friends And swallowed they were every man woman child Befelled by the Amazon’s least-known reptile
Blue of the scale and three of the eyes Chameleon, Chimera, master of disguise Guarding Set’s ruby and making a meal Of any and all that red ruby would steal
Fifteen the hundred and twenty the year Yaffa’s safari did portage their gear Travelled the jungles and only at night With one witch along to track ruby’s red light
Swatting mosquitoes, canoes at the shoulder Making way inland as Yaffa grew bolder ‘I’ll have that ruby, by birth it’s my right I’ll slay that foul Carbuncle later this night!’
He rested but sparingly forging ahead Visions of scarlet vermillion and dread Tipping canoes to cross starry glass waters Risking his sons and imperiling daughters
Finally they came to the thicket of Set Witch pointing out a light red as could get Out lept the Carbuncle pouncing on bone Leaving just Yaffa to journey back home
And so was the red light to haunt all his dreams Cursed be that ruby, his avarice and schemes Pity poor Yaffa, the blame all his own No family no friends and no red ruby stone
I have to run some errands I’m leaving you in charge There’s fish and fritters in the fridge And bedding on the barge
I’ll be away for quite some time To work on star productions Everything will work out fine Just follow my instructions
Watch out for the tuna nets Stay away from coves Try to spend a lot of time Where fish ball up in droves
The world is full of turmoil It leaks into the sea Keep away from seaworld If you want to remain free
Get to dolphin school on time Do all the work required Just ignore the men on land They soon will be expired
Help with rescues, love the whales Do what mermaids tell you Always wash with warm salt water Else the Great Whites smell you
Keep in mind you’re emissaries Always jump real high Flip around and never frown When pleasure boats pass by
In seven cycles I’ll return To host the big eclipse ‘Til then I’ll remember Both your faces just like this
Joseph John Racano
Hidden Art of Borneo
A thousand miles by jet airplane through mist and fog and driven rain To a landing strip on an unlit isle And rendezvous with an indigenous smile
Then check the packs for sustenance Lace up boots, we leave at once Eight brave souls in jungle hats Single file into the land of big cats
Portage kayak then up dark river By hang-moons light and just a sliver Paddle ‘till we’ve reached the end Then jungle path and ‘round a bend
Four days travel through jungly steam Dampened shoes cross splattered stream Guttural calls cry from the distance Flashlights keep at bay resistance
Four days later eight emerge Mountain looms emotions surge Ancient treasure awaits on high Now the eight must climb or die
Leave behind the jungle floor Climb one stone then reach for more Far below the cats lament Wondering where their dinner went
Far above, a time machine Artwork from the Pleistocene Halfway up a wall of clouds Hidden knowledge, misty shrouds
Here the mountain opens maw Ancient cave and fossil claw Shedding gear they slip inside Shining beams where beings could hide
And there upon the farthest wall The greatest artworks of them all Carved perhaps with Mammoth’s tusk Scented with his Earthy musk
Sixty thousand years and more Styled by hands from eons yore Humans in the early phase Long before the urban craze
Soon the science was complete High adventure cave retreat Artist fate they could not guess Cave goes on; explore the rest
Sudden light at tunnels bend Ancient cave has open end Hidden world on other side To be explored on our next ride
Joseph John Racano
Hibiscus Gerbil
On a camel caravan we left for Afghanistan Pack horses packed stretched clear back to Pakistan Hiding by day and now traveling by night Sliver of moon guide providing our light
Climbing the faces of broad sandy dunes Cresting them all with an eye out for ruins Ruins that were said to contain an old temple Age of Baroque’s last remaining example
Shepherded forth by the wind driven sands Sworn to a man ne’er to return to these lands We found and we entered a calming oasis Tying the animals each twenty paces
Greeted by forces both armed well as servile All sworn allegiance to Hibiscus Gerbil (Bang) rang a gong as the Gerbil pranced in (Dang) to ourselves said the horses and men
(Swish!) went the strings of a harp soon thereafter (Wish) to ourselves while outside howled disaster Entered the Gerbil and ladies so fine Come to find out they were his concubine!
(Up!) licked the flames of a galley-cook fire (Chop!) dropped the cleavers drawn once again higher (Neigh!) cried the horses uneasy with fright (Shush!) now I comforted animals plight
Instructed to sit in a cross-legged circle I sat at the six o’clock, twelve sat the Gerbil “Accept ye’ our frankincence, sage and sweet herbs but for the winds a concerto of birds”
“And now as we sup I will ask of ye’ words Why have ye’ braven this land of the Kurds? To lands that are dry and will never get wetter?” He handed me wine and I gave him a sweater
Then came the dancers with robes and arms flowing Beautiful Persians with faces a- glowing “Choose if you will your new bride from among them If ye’ refuse you already have hung them”
I bowed to the Gerbil my choice was made easy A dancer in red used her motions to tease me In came the warlords whose swords tossed like discus “Thank you” I said to the mighty Hibiscus
Suddenly all was as still as the norm Nowhere was wind or the sound of a storm The temple was gone and so was the Gerbil And all of it vanished no matter how servile
But we of the caravan we all were still there Only the traces of sand in our hair The horses and camels drank oasis rinses And lucky was I, on my horse sat my princess!
Back did we turn riding all through the night Slowing to rest at the suns morning light Now back home in Ollibad, to me all are servile As I am to he, the great Hibiscus Gerbil
Joseph John Racano
The Day the Machine Stopped
The end of harsh vibrations Set the ears a-ringing Began the celebrations and set the birds a-singing
Released from zoos Purged from jails Tide pool denisons Poured from pails
Traps snapped open Doors came ajar Manholes uncovered Vanished gray bar
The Day the Machine Stopped No longer machine shopped The end of the robots Moss grew on the roof tops
Squirrels crossed a stream On a bridge of rocks Alka-seltzer fizzled All the Alcatraz locks
Aviaries opened Birds flew free Apiaries offered honey Bear to the Bee
Tribes rose up Armies lay down Bison on the prairie Made a thunderous sound
The Day the Machine Stopped No longer machine shopped The end of the robots Moss grew on the roof tops
Joseph John Racano
Hidden deep beneath the fathoms Amid the stone and jagged chasms 'neath the blue ubiquity Beckoning from antiquity
Fairies loop its ornate spires Wizards tend to Iron-Age fires Massive blocks of rock revenge Distant cousins of Stonehenge
Found beneath a lake in Turkey Dressed in algae, waters murky Live again, o' great Urarte Beat again your ancient heart-way
Open up your crystal towers Tall stalagmite crusted flowers Raise your too long dormant sword Rule again both rock and fjord
Joseph John Racano
The Celebration of Summer's Dusk
I remember an evening of summer's dusk When the birds fell silent and the air held musk I glanced up skyward and the clouds glowed red A giant smoking arrow flew o'er my head
In a moment it was gone; the air again fell still But smoke hung as mute testimony draped over the hill In my ears buzzed a sound with all a queen bee's charms I looked down to see a mystic writing on my arms
There was no one else around, no one I could show Here it was late August and light rain turned into snow! Nothing was the same from that eventful evening on And all because of something strange, no sooner here than gone
My tribesmen didn't listen and they all thought me a kook The Witch Doctor himself had now called me a crazy spook With nothing to compare it to, I never could explain Especially when all that snow had turned back into rain
I grew up to be old and wise, the leader of the tribe The arrow passed a few more times and things began to jibe We all declared a holiday each year to mark its passing And even built these totems to whoever was harassing
Now every August summers dusk, we climb atop a mountain Shoot our flaming arrows up, to land inside a fountain And watch the sky with reverence awaiting their return Another race that came from space, we had so much to learn
Joseph John Racano photos: Racano
Message to the Ground Crew
Congratulations, it's 2017 Now we shall explain some things you may have seen And no, you're not alone, the Universe is full Your leaders have been handing you a truckload full of bull
But we feel it is important now that you have come of age So we've been leaving messages, your cornfield is our page We understand you want to leave, perhaps to dig up Mars Maybe using labor who've been hanging out at bars
Tsk tsk, too much risk- this will never do But if you want to leave your Earth we've made this map for you: Earth is in the center, your moon is to the right Go left at California, then jump into endless night
It really is that simple and all you have to do Is follow close behind the spaceship that's ahead of you You may have trouble keeping up if they do light-speed 8 In space you simply can't just shout 'Hey, you up there, please wait!!'
And then of course you may decide the next world would be better; But Argo Twelve is cold as hell, you might just bring a sweater Moving on, there Taz-Sixteen, the people there are really mean And next to that is the Planet Rat, avoid that nasty scene!
The next four planets that might hold life don't seem to have a lot of strife But getting to them, that's the trick- you'd have to travel far and quick And did you bring a passway card, the guy in charge is mighty hard On aliens, if that you be, salute him with arms one two and three!
And that's the story my good folk This allegory is a joke No matter what they tell you now You're stuck on Earth, you're stuck and how
It's just too far, you're too fucked up The aliens know you fuck shit up Nobody wants your stupid shit You're stuck on Earth man, this is it
Joseph John Racano 3/21/17
Heart of the Hadron episode one
'Twas the Heart of the Hadron 2017 The janitor was cleaning beneath the machine He couldn't help notice every time he looked up The odd cobalt colors of this massive pup
The hour was late, no one else was around That's when he heard that queer far-away sound It sounded like buzzing inside of his neck He dealt with a chill and then thought what the heck
Gargantuan though this Collider might be The subterranean hole could fit three The janitor felt sure that no one would care If he placed a nylon rope hammok down there
And many a night when the mopping was through The janitor dreamed of the things he would do By climbing atop the great cobalt machine He visited places not previously seen
Anyway, this one particular night The monolith hummed and glowed curious light The janitor finally climbed up to the top And sat where the reddish light came to a stop
He thought he could feel imperceptible movement His balance was poor so he clung for improvement And that's when the 'lectric red humming began A bright light from somewhere beam gave him a scan
He sat on the top, let go of his mop and looked at the floor to see where it would drop Bells started ringing, phone channels singing and things like big springs did their thing, started springing
He clutched the machine for all he was worth Somehow innately knew this was rebirth He stretched out his arms and he clung to its girth A bright shiny surface reflected his mirth
Doors all flung open and people poured in Scientists didn't know where to begin The janitors ride took them all by surprise Evidenced in all their wild wide eyes
Rotations accelerated by the minute A gaseous mist was his cloak- he was in it Cobalt then red then to blue and maroon In two seconds flat he went right past the Moon
Where on the dark side he could see all the bases And all the surprised looks on all the faces Cities and building and big quonset huts Built for what purpose known only to nuts
Then off to Mars where a lovely red planet Brought to his mind his first girlfriend named Janet Oh but if she could just see me right now Janitor no, she'd be like, "Holy cow!"
And off to one planetoid after another Saying goodbye to his Earth and his mother One last look back and then boldly go on Perhaps where the Comets and angels had gone
While back in the hole where it all used to be Authorities asked "Tell us, what did you see?" But the scientists were all so caught up in the numbers You could have got better info from cucumbers
That's when they noticed beyond all belief The mop, like a horse stood there ready to leave Glowing and bucking and ready to bolt But who had the courage to ride on this colt?
Back out in space, the janitor zoomed Out past where Horsehead the nebula plumed The vibrating Hadron had put him to sleep He now was the cosmos forever to keep
When last we saw our hero he was zooming through space Light speed travel took a toll on his face But interstellar travel has it’s secrets, too Cosmological cosmetics can take years off you
The journey got unbalanced when the janitor twisted At light speed he was growing old before he existed He had to make a move and had to do it right now So he grabbed the mop bucket and it shifted -pow!
Next thing that he knew the stars were slowing down Groggy as he felt he feared that he might drown Outer space is not the place to take things lightly So when he met an alien he spoke politely
“Hello, I’m from Earth and I’m a ways from home” The alien replied but in a musical tone The janitor was sure he recognized the song And he was pretty sure that copyrights don’t last this long
Besides the alien was talking in slow motion And juxtaposed with space the thing made quite a commotion The alien just pointed three hands down the road And the janitor took off again without his load
Far out up ahead he saw an onrushing mop Grabbed it as he passed it and it made him stop He threw it in the bucket and he said ‘ok’ Straddling the Hadron cross the Milky Way
Something made him look behind from where he’d come There he saw a scientist who rode steel drum Propelling it through space by playing musical raggae His dredlocks waved around and he was smoking a ‘J’
The two of them maneuvered nearly side by side Sizzling at the speed magnetic Hadrons collide “Come back mon’ said the scientist as he took a puff That shit is so expensive mon, you’ve got our stuff!’
The janitor looked over at a moon they had passed And signaled he would land and they could talk at last ‘Ya mon’ said the scientist steel drummed and dredded Then he turned around and saw where they were headed
The two became as one, their crafts weighed a ton and they realized they had landed on the Planet Fun! There were dancing children, singing birds and colorful flowers that sprouted words
There were dinosaur vines, and Lodge-pole Pines There was gold and silver without any mines They found themselves surrounded by a people quite well rounded who said the voices in their heads had kept them all well grounded
After much good merriment, they ended the experiment and scientist and janitor climbed back aboard and there they went Speeding through the vacuum of an interstellar highway Headed for adventure searching planet, moon and Skyway
Perhaps the two would someday take these teachings back to home… where the Scientist would present it all to the Hadron-streaking Gnome
Joseph John Racano
Kindly Saint Francis
Kindly Saint Francis bringer of light Land in our midst as a thief in the night Show us the power to forego the throne Open your palms and give lost birds a home
Teach mighty armies that peace is the way Redirect highways that squirrels might play Educate farmers to live in a garden Offer the lowest among us full pardon
Kindly Saint Francis lead by example Give us a lesson the strident may sample Diamonds and pearls can be strewn on the floor But they who know birdsong have very much more
Draw back the curtains and show the new version Earth before asphalt, a cosmic inversion Kneel down to drink from the streams of our nation Water from rain shouldn't need our filtration
The hour is late, we must learn of our worth Our unbridled power as one with the Earth Names on the deed that the meek shall inherit Are cricket and firefly, gosling and ferret
Joseph John Racano
Copyright@JosephJohnRacano/09/14/2015 Dedicated to Pope Francis on his historic trip to America, 2015 Art: 'Bringer of Light' by Ingo Swann
Logan's Run
Run, dear Logan, you must run Don't fall prey to the Homer Gun Life below ground is no fun Escape the dome and see the sun
Question, Logan, everything Ask yourself why birds don't sing Question why there is no spring Wonder what would freedom bring
Hide dear Logan, you must hide Through the jungle you must glide Ruins are on the other side There an old man does reside
Learn, dear Logan, you must learn Why the world before yours burned Conservation mankind spurned Through the intakes Plankton churned
Try dear Logan, understand How they scorched the sea and land Greed condemned the son of man To life below the desert sand
Tell them Logan, you must tell Tell the children how we fell Lack of limits on ourselves Turned a heaven into hell
Joseph John Racano 5/23/15
Paradigm Change
We are Paradigm Change Save the world and rearrange Unlike those who came before We empty tanks, unlock the door
We are the new beginning Together with the Earth and winning The animals you used to shoot We shoot with camera, no dispute
We are the brand new dawn Making sure old ways are gone Ears are deaf to lies and spin Open hearts we let love in
We are Paradigm Change Wild as Mustangs on the range Not against but with the flow You’re invited- just let go!
Joseph John Racano
Title: Encore with an Albacore verse I With wood and strings in a tough road case I sought adventures warm embrace and dared the high surf winter brings to California’s cliffs and things Verse II And there to seek a song duet with any whale that I could get I’d play rhythm, he’d play lead We all have chops, no need for greed Chorus: I took position just offshore My metronome set to 4/4 I rapped with my conductors wand to gain the attention of a mermaid blonde Verse III The sun had lined the clouds in pink Cumulo- somethings, all, I think The sky alive with laughing birds An inside joke of avian words Verse IV About this time an orca arrived Resplendent tux but a bit contrived Giving him benefit of the doubt I was still surprised when his voice came out Bridge: Soon every creature in the Bay joined in the ensemble, ready to play Hermit Crabs tuned shell-french horns moving out of shells they’d already worn Verse V Breaking the surface came a huge Great Blue spouting notes in a rainbow hue His whale breath said as it rose up high “Excuse me while I kiss the sky” Chorus: Jellyfish glowed as the sun went down Humpback bass was a filling sound A Palegic prowler provided peace Barracuda Bonds bailed out his niece Verse VI Late that night when the cops pulled up they singled out a teen, and checked his cup They made him pour it out and let him off with a warning The tide was going out, it was almost morning Finale: Up to the stage came a mother Albacore but the police warned us about another encore “It was a hell of a party, but it has to end” There was no use complaining- what a jam, my friend!
Joseph John Racano
Converge with me
How would you like to converge with me? A communion of strangers whose love is the sea And oh, what a glorious thing it would be Me teaching you and you teaching me
What better way could there be to combine Shining as people were all meant to shine Imagine the rush of two people, one mind Internally melding into the sublime
Joseph John Racano
art: Jeff Wefferson
The People and the Rainbow Bridge (true story of the Chumash Tribe)
Long, long ago before the seismic test Santa Cruz Island was the people's nest Created from the seeds of a magic plant they enjoyed stringing shells and a peaceful chant
Their Goddess Hutash had a husband Snake, who lived in the sky, and could lightning make When a bolt hit the ground, and gave the people fire they began to grow in number, ever higher and higher
The island got crowded and it was decided Rainbow Bridge would link two lands divided People crossed the bridge as the Goddess told them but some became afraid it was too weak to hold them
They teetered for a moment, then they fell right through! The others had to watch, nothing they could do Some made it across, but they were very concerned about what happened to the fallen, so they stopped and turned
When they looked back, they were delighted to see
Goddess turn them into dolphins, swimming wild and free!
Joseph John Racano
When Whales Reclaim a Noiseless Sea
Whales are for the future they don't belong to us They're part of something we will be when we no longer fuss
Whales belong to children who aren't even born The ones who someday will inherit everything we've torn
The future has no armies The people live in peace all work toward a common goal to clean the seas of grease
Their work is cut out for them we've left them such a mess! But the splendors that will be attained Soldiers healing, not causing pain
Air Force One is a Whooping Crane All hold hands in a world-wide chain Diamonds outshone by drops of rain Buffalo migrate once again
No more poisons down the drain Possums cling to the lions mane Ecstatics no longer deemed insane This is what the world will be when whales reclaim a noiseless sea
Joseph John Racano
Whale of my Dreams
I awoke before dawn, took a walk on my lawn and there I saw nibbling, the gentlest fawn who raised up his head, then smiled and said, "You're still sound asleep though no longer in bed!"
"Look up at the sky at what's passing by; -a whale swimming out of a Milky Way Pie!" I craned back my neck, mouthing, "What in the heck?" Then it rained stardust, and I captured a fleck
When smeared between fingers it soon did reveal another whole Universe led by a seal! "Tell me, good sir, what the hey's going on? Shall I stay here to dally with whales 'till the dawn?"
"Oh bark!" said the seal, with a fish on his breath "I'm only the ground crew and half scared to death!" "Please don't pigeon hole me, or try to console me I barely get paid and I do what they told me!"
Then, 'whoosh!' went cetaceans up over our heads through clouds that looked like Anne McCaffrey threads Their flight was so swift that my neck hurt to turn Were they whales, or the famed Dragonriders of Pern?
At that point the stars circled in toward the middle It made me feel small, insignificant, little But there was no time for regret on this night- The whales began spouting kaleidoscope light!
Andromedae Galaxy changed its direction -a trick of the light caused by liquid convection 'A dream', I decided, 'inside of my head' I turned off the nite-lite and went back to bed!
Joseph John Racano
The Peace Bomb
Came a whistling sound from somewhere up among white puffy clouds of cotton and mayo Its crescendo drowned out air-raid sirens, until all the world was a-whistle
At point-of-impact, it became clear- it was a Peace Bomb, and a painted smile shown itself, smeared amiably across its lowers
Daisy pedals scattered from its innards as it went off with a pop spreading cluster bells for a thousand miles from ground zero-intolerance
Radioactivity was limited to sunshine and sword-tips to the thorns of roses as citizens lined the avenues calling for a new beginning
Politicians and world-leaders were instructed by the masses to enter into a pact with all who dwell beneath rocks, the seas, in the branches of trees
When the incense finally cleared, an army of crickets began chirping 'round a crater of love, and guarded jealously by fawns
Joseph John Racano
In the fresh hours after the destruction of New York's World Trade Center I sat on a park bench strumming guitar beneath a Willow whose arms hunched over me like a puppeteer over a marionette
I dreamed of the New City of Nostrodamus shining resplendent with smiles And a noise ordinance requiring above all else- the crickets should be heard Broad-winged Butterflies held right of way and only the Mantis need pray
Citizens lined the streets calling for peace, not war Their candles shone like the God within them A magnesium fire burned in every heart
All waved the flag of love and only the Eagle screamed above
Mosques, Synogogues and Churches, unchained, were allowed to return to meadow Stained glass became green grass and the Bluebird retook the ghetto
Joseph John Racano *(reflections 5 days after Sept. 11th, 2001)
Evening with the Nightingale (a true story)
I spent a summer evening with the Nightingale, My head upon a pillow, his tucked into his tail
He sang while I was dreaming; I heard him in my sleep making far too many promises for a little bird to keep He promised me a lemon tree, with flowers like perfume Quite a vivid picture, in the darkness of my room He promised if I stepped outside, the shadows of the night would change in hue like drops of dew when speared with morning light
His concert lasted through the night, until the break of day when Nightingale turned wing and tail - and simply flew away
Joseph John Racano
If I were a Larkspur
If I were a Larkspur I would smudge myself on holidays with arms like blue napkins
and pack myself in a small white box with soft wrapping paper
If I were a Larkspur I would dress only in little drops of dew and let the sunlight shine them off
And when I was completely naked I would bend in the breeze and bow to the world
Joseph John Racano
New York-henge
We saw the place, the place was strange It caused an urge to rearrange The angles sharp, no surface smooth It made one tense and did not soothe
We watched it from a distance off The structure hard, the back ground soft It did not fit and nor pretend The elders called it New York-henge
Our camp was warm beneath the stars That night we slept in line with Mars We boiled soup from old shoe leather Clouds rolled in and came the weather
Raindrops fell creating mist Some hit New York-henge and hissed Still hot after all those years All night long Earth rained her tears
Once we saw a dog or cat Scramble this way then turn that Much too far for spear or bow Drank our shoe-soup ate a crow
Morning came the storm rolled out The land returned to long-term drought A species left the world such pains New York-henge the last remains
Behold the lair of the Winter Witch Surrounded by a moat of bubbling pitch Pungent flavor fills the air From those who dared venture there
Glowing tiki-torches burn Fuel of souls too slow to learn A travelers doom awaits you there Mesmerized by long black hair
But still you cross above the moat Where just below you foul things float You grip the handrails carved from tusk And black birds dart through misty dusk
A feline sentry guards the door Saber tooth from ages yore Conjured back with voodoo stitch Favored pet of Winter Witch
Crickets chirp their shrill narration Serving to pique your fascination Close at hand the kitten growls Far away the wolfen howls
Finally she is at the door Floating on a smokey floor There is not a place to hide All resistance cast aside
In her eyes an ancient flame Sees what in me is not tame Offers me her twisted hand Kiss the ring, a golden band
Outside is my death of cold Inside is the scent of mold With a branch she stirs her soup Steaming cauldron full of goop
Strokes her tiger starts him purring All alone the stick keeps stirring ‘Carrots, cel’rey, scorpion’s sting What am I forgetting- oh one more thing’
Then she smiles and stares right through me And outside seems a lot less gloomy I slip her grip and leave my coat With a will I cross that moat
Kept a racer’s pace all night Ran until the sky turned light Across the wood and o’er the hill Left behind the winter’s chill
Now when snow clouds fill the sky I just let them pass on by And have a care where horse I hitch Beware the lair of the Winter Witch
Joseph John Racano
Artwork: Diana Povero
Dreamer in the Glenn
Some time ago, I know not when A girl went camping in the Glenn She brought along a favorite book And pitched a tent beside a brook
Reading by a candle’s glow She listened to the water flow Made some tea and let it steep Then lay her pretty head to sleep
Swirling ‘round and ‘round she fell Deep into a starry well And landed with a sudden ‘whoosh!’ Safely in a bottle bush
Where she the Dreamer in the Glenn Every creature did befriend Those who crashed out in the night Even bugs who sought to bite
Tall thin trees with long green tresses Who specialized in weaving dresses Weaved her one from emerald hair Placed it on a folding chair
After dipping in the brook She got dressed and loved the look As did all the creatures ‘round Sitting cross-leg on the ground
Dreamer dreamer in the Glenn Never let this moment end If it isn’t too much fuss Read your favorite book to us
So she stood inside the circle Candle light shone starry purple Animating with her hands Stories told of other lands
Pyramids and golden bridges Children’s art on molden fridges Huge balloons that float on air Ancient sphinx with glassy stare
Said a voice from know not where: Mrs. Dreamer, are you there? You’ve been sleeping, things are dire- Must wake up now, there’s a fire!
Sure enough the dreamer woke And saw the truth the voice had spoke The forest now was filled with smoke She packed her things and began to choke
And so it was that fateful morn She loved the place but she was torn She would return but knew not when The sleeping Dreamer in the Glenn
Joseph John Racano
Fresh from the otherworlds Here but for a sojourn Cryptic, ecliptic The dragon-bird in slow burn
Bird of wonder, Thunderbird Deceptively gigantic Heart infernal, soul eternal Dancing the light fantastic
Crowdragon, inter-dimensional Across-the-void, a darkly sentinel Messenger from the other side Special delivery on a two-wing ride
Envoy, escort, black-on-black Almost blue both nape and back Half a dragon, half a crow Killing all who stones would throw
Jet-black raptor taking flight Peck the eyes out of the night Cawing, jawing, open mawing Shadow figure poor for drawing
Talons rend, his great chest heaving Widows left bereft and grieving Crowdragon thus done retrieving Now the time is come for leaving
Dear friend of Dragons, I humbly offer a poem in the spirit of this Halloween season... please don't try this at home! I give you:
Madame DeBargo
Come in please sit down and take off your shirt Forgive the harsh ropes but this reading may hurt And we cannot have you just flailing around Better by far that we fast tie you down
With tattoo gun ink and occasional suture Madame DeBargo shall read you the future Bite on your wallet don’t swallow your tongue As of today you’re eternally young
Keep staring deeply into the glass ball Soon you won’t have any memories at all Madame DeBargo replaces them new While sculpting your body-wide reptile tattoo
Chiseling down all your teeth with a sharpness Shading your scales to blend in with the darkness Now to adorn you with rich gothic jewelry Crystal glass ball predicts menacing cruelty
Igor reshaping your toenails with emery Mind of a dragon in place of your memory Clothing of leather with stud work replete Four o’clock shadow the change is complete
Thank you for coming to Madame DeBargo Relieving your wallet of all of its cargo Vampire devils and demons beware A new dragon stalks you this night in Times Square!
A lonely wind and a chattering chalice Hanging with steins outside the king’s palace Torches set flickering on stone castle walls Whistling drafty and cold in the halls
Out on the grounds and just inside the moat The cattle grow restless, a shadow does float A whinny, a whine and a wind-hidden squeal The Gryphon absconds once again with his meal
Wind calms the morning, bright sun warms the land Revealing the remnants of half-eaten lamb ‘Zounds’ and, ‘gadzooks!’ shouts the king on a spree ‘Bring me the head!’ comes the royal decree
Out from the castle contingent doth ride High atop stallions chain mail on their side Into the hillside rode fifty good men Ne’er a one to had been seen again
‘Zounds!’ said the king once again at the news ‘Saddle me horse and make good on his shoes! I will not have such a beast as a Gryphon Taking and eating what I have not given!’
Nothing the stable boy said could have stopped him King would adhere to the code and so chop him Shining resplendent a knight forged in fire Only to wear a crown did he retire
Truth be known he had grown tired of tedium Often consulting his personal medium As was the council he took on this day ‘What, Madame Zarcon, what do the bones say?’
The woman’s eyes widened, she stood up to dance Threw back her head and fell into a trance ‘King of the castle this be your last ride- For surely that demon has eaten your pride’
Affairs set in order, the king took his mount Left so much gold there was too much to count Hugged all his daughters and hugged both his wives Gave them the means to live comfortable lives
Off rode the king with his personal guard Shining in armor chain mail leotard One last adventure with honor to wield The family crest embossed on his shield
epilogue Tiger-hawk Gryphon made short work of men Feeding survivors to young in her den The king, he fought valiantly, died sword-in-hand Buried with honor right here on his land
The lady rode a Unicorn through darkness on the moor Her bright blue light illuminating Satan’s cellar door Greeted by a dragon on the cobblestones of old A fog spread like a blanket over lichens moss and mold
‘Halt,’ he said ‘who goes?’ he challenged, shrinking from the light He heard a voice inside his head say, ‘Stand ye down this night’ The lady was a specter, a blue translucent wraith Having ridden many miles to test a dragon’s faith
‘Tell me dragon, black as pitch, do you eat both poor and rich?’ Having thought what she had said, the dragon shook his massive head She inside his brain, a cancer; he declined to give an answer As per rules, he stepped aside; she continued on her ride
All along the path of darkness dragons hung like bats By their talons upside down; they snacked on feral cats They watched her blue light vanish as she disappeared in fog Clopping on the cobblestones to a symphony of frogs
On seven year sabbatical I chanced upon the radical A monolith with stones like bones And hint of mathematical
Nothing could’ve prepared my eyes For such chiseled beauty against pastel skies Arranged in its peculiar way One rock atop another lay
It seemed a portal, that was sure I stepped me through that ancient door And felt my soul precede me through I searched my mind for what to do
I looked back from whence I’d came Not a thing I knew remained Where I was I had no hunch Decided I would sit for lunch
What’s a man supposed to do A meal might help me think this through I ate a peach and tossed the pit A peach tree rose in place of it!
I choked at this unnatural sight But then I saw that it was right A tree had grown up from a seed Why should I begrudge the speed?
I stood to leave and picked some fruit Stuffed them in my jungle suit This is where the fun begins I heard the sound of violins
The music came from up ahead And there she stood, a girl in red Her bow on fire, eyes aflame Violiness was her name
How she came to use that bow With such finesse I’d never know I only knew my ears gave thanks Among the greats I’m sure she ranks
Her family danced and did it well Around a horse drawn cart from Hell Pulled by demons crows and bats Guarded by large jungle cats
Now the sky was growing dark Hell hounds in the distance barked How I longed to find the portal After all I’m only mortal
Then the girl in red gave chase Held me close I saw her face Lovely, lithe and body muscular Chimera child of all crepuscular
Her family watched from horse-drawn carriage Violiness was bound for marriage And hand in hand our love was true We found the portal and I carried her through
‘Twas Winter ’99 and the first time I saw the Sprinklebug I was in the forest feeding saplings with a water jug I got a look at him before he got a look at me I saw him pop his head out of a hollow in a tree
'Sprinklebug Sprinklebug Half a beetle, half a slug Something like a muppet A friend of Dr Seuess But not the sort of creature One expects to see out loose'
I watched him catching snowflakes in his open hollow mouth A Northern Sprinklebug, they just don’t do that in the South Sharing an apartment in the forest with some others I could hear the chipmunks inside fighting with their brothers
'His coat was soft and furry The snow began to flurry He shoveled off the driveway Had it perfect in a hurry
The chipmunks didn’t drive So to them it didn’t matter They argued over peanuts Making funny little chatter'
The Sprinklebug had had enough and showed them to the door They went back outside and argued louder than before Sprinkle called the yellowjacks who kicked them to the curb Then he hung a sign to chipmunks, ‘please do not disturb’
Finished with my saplings I brushed them clear of snow Now my job was finished here and it was time to go As I left I turned to look through window did I see A snug and happy Sprinklebug high up in the tree
The day was warm and the lake was calm A butterfly landed on the heel of my palm I cast out a line and the bait was took Lucky little Bluegill ‘cause I never use a hook
Big white clouds sprinkled fine cool mist I remember thinking ‘I was born to live like this’ Barefoot in the water of an alpine lake That's when I saw the big blue snake
Longer than a city bus and bluer than a dream I was overcome with joy and felt I had to scream With his three big eyes it’s impossible to miss, when you’re In the presence of the Blue Snake of Happiness
He bubbled from the water and he slithered on the ground He looked inside the bait bag and he curled himself around His tongue flashed like fork lightning and he blinked in sets of threes I stood completely still until he wrapped around my knees
I reached into my gunny sack and offered him a gummy snack That was when he spoke to me very telepathically Thought the Blue Snake of Happiness, ‘funny it should end like this’ Left me with a happy kiss and disappeared into the mist
And me, I just kept right on fishing nothing gained and nothing missing Watching as the swallow tails flew circles over hollow snails And evergreens across the pond sent breeze their fragrance rode upon And I to catch it, never miss- thanks to you, Blue Snake of Happiness
I entered the swamp no intention to drain it My impulse to kill I fought hard to restrain it Knee-deep in water in search of a reptile Ultramarine blue Iguana in textile
Bathing in dripping wet leaves of the jungle Nooks of my crannies all chaffing and fungal Eyes on the lookout for long darting tongue Eating the tropical flies while they’re young
Mindful of not getting stuck in the mud Every plant touching me seemed to draw blood Minutes to hours and hours to days I longed for a clearing to feel the sun’s rays
Then I beheld what I traveled to find Such vivid blue I went out of my mind Snapped a few pictures up high in a tree Captured his image and let him go free
These are the dreams of a Red Kit Fox Taken by a helicopter, lowered on a box To be the keynote speaker for a party on the Ark Promising the animals to build them a park
No sooner had he said it than it all came true A green and grassy island slowly came in view The creatures disembarked on many bales of hay With brightly colored butterflies leading the way
Over all the beaches there were planes with signs Enjoy-courtesy of Red Kit Fox Designs And left to right the water skiers did cool tricks On each other’s shoulders piled five or six
Out in deeper water Noah’s Ark looked dandy Sending smoke signals made of cotton candy Up from the horizon came a bunch of answers Visible to all the bright fiesta dancers
Spinning and-a-twirling in their cotton skirts Led by handsome crewmen in Hawaiian shirts Overhead a flock of migratory geese Started flying over dropping big black seeds
Where instantly the magic of the island sun Grew them into watermelons filled with rum And just as they were giving him the big first prize Awakened by a butterfly, he opened his eyes
Welcome to the city at the edge of time There is no gold and we don’t have crime All the races intermingled Ice Cream cone with colored sprinkles
There are no armies and there are no flags Nobody’s in business making body bags We don’t have riots we don’t have looting No police and no police shootings
Our body cameras are our eyes We focus on the clear blue skies Seamless nations, no drawn borders Mother Nature gives the orders
Soon enough our world will come Invite your friends if you still have some One big family, no more war Check your dogma at the door
The Moon told the Lilies The Lilies told the grass If we’re going to do something We’d better do it fast
The land is cloaked in darkness We have to make them see Perhaps a thousand fireflies On each and every tree
Someone call the mermaids Ask them for the presence Of every creature deep below With bioluminescence
Have their faerie cousins Call in the elven choir Awaken Krakatoa To ignite his Vulcan fire
Make a wish that jellyfish Employed their neon arms A squid-pro-quo enlightenment Of pyrotechnic charms
With all the world illuminated Summit to abyss Everyone will see we can’t Continue on like this
Let the Earth erupt with Bright volcano-hurled confetti A gently falling snowstorm on The Plain of Serengeti
But don’t delay a single day The hour’s growing late To keep the song of life from being Locked behind hell’s gate
Joseph John Racano
Sleeping Dreamer
Floating on the shadow of a cosmic burst Keeper of the dream we call the universe Beguiler of the wanton who she renders meek Enchantress of the heavens playing hide and seek
Falling into slumber opens her mind Bringing close encounters of the wondrous kind Talks in her sleep resulting in rainbows No other goddess able to sustain those
When she has a nightmare it can be frightening Lessers beware errant forks of lightning When she dreams passion, smooth and creamy Making even frozen crystals steamy
Those who seek audience, god or mortal First must navigate the goddess portal When you’ve arrived, you’ll know you’re there Stardust and nebulae, long wavy hair
Tall, long-legged, statuesque, hot sauce-acle Stop me if any of this seems implausible Red head, vermilion, one kiss worth a million Wait for her outside the Dragon’s Pavilion
This is the story as to me was told She flung the stars into space made of gold Goddess we know you and love you it’s true Our Sleeping Dreamer, oh please say ‘I do’!
Pay no attention to the being behind the curtain Her wild machinations artificial I am certain The nebulous ball-lightning can be only a distraction Allowing her to mesmerize while tractor beam gains traction
And please do not allow yourself a moments extra ponder When every nano second counts deploying a transponder One that will assure a timely life-saving recovery This far out a rescue is dependent on discovery
Do return the ruby slippers place them by the portal None may wear or operate them least of all a mortal Silence! Don’t presume that I would entertain your questions Your craft stuck in dark matter and yet still you make suggestions
Your first mate is a scarecrow, your helmsman made of tin The master at arms a lion with no courage from within You come before me prostrate in my very chamber room Begone and don’t return without the wicked witches’ broom!
Joseph John Racano
Art: Robert Lorek
The Forest Where Time Began
First glowing light at the dawn of time No sound of chainsaw or other pending crime The crisp of the morning crunched leaves beneath my feet The will o’ the wisp with red wings replete
Late in the morning streams gurgled in the dark The canopy of forest may well have been a park Verdant big bang but a millisecond old The forest of Fangorn was never this cold
And when broke the Simeon free from the musk He met with a sibling both long in the tusk And long toward the eve were their pads on the trail Pausing in wonder at new howling wail
These nano-seconds, first chronons, if you will Inaugural slivers when the time began to spill With hirsute cupped hands I do pass on to you A forest too feral to live in a zoo
Far out in the cosmos atwixt the starry dust Undreamed of Animaliens sniff out planetary crust Of newly dying worlds forsaken by their parent hosts Gaping maws devouring wars and megafauna ghosts
These are thieves as in the night upon us in an instant Teeth like ivory pillars yellow eyes seen in the distance They heed no plea for mercy as the time for such is past If knowest thine creator I would call upon him fast
Out here are no directions all are one just as the other Space offers no protection save one’s memory of mother Where living hunting asteroids disguised as space-borne rocks Come sneaking up behind a case of planetary pox
So next when you do find yourself up gazing at the stars Trying to discern the one is Jupiter from Mars Prepare to meet your destiny what fate you have created The Earth is not the only world that needs to be abated
Joseph John Racano
Rediscovery I
Backward they plunged tanks breaking the water ‘You’ll just have to see this,’ came the words from the daughter A red and white flag left afloat at the surface Would serve as a warning to those come in service
Six fathoms downward they broke through the haze Revealing a seascape that went on for days Upon reaching bottom the sea fans swayed violently A hard swirling current there greeted them silently
She at the point and he watching for sharks There on the rocks ahead- petroglyph marks! Using her spear gun she traced out the ring Father stood awestruck what was this strange thing?
The daughter went through the hoop dwarfed by its size It swallowed her up before father’s wide eyes His scream turned to bubbles but to no avail He followed her through swallowed up by the veil
Rediscovery II
Up at the surface some forty years hence A vessel found floating with old rusting dents ‘Come in Alameda, we’ve found her good lord! We’ve found Rediscovery with no one aboard’
Perhaps the old tale the half-legend was true And right at that moment the two swam back through All seemed exactly as it was before Until they broke surface as maritime lore
A searchlight shone brightly atop the dark water The divers were father and curious daughter ‘Ahoy there!’ they called to half-ship at the hover ‘It’s floating on air- use the phone call your mother’
But only to find when they climbed to the deck That mom was at home and a senile old wreck They looked all around and the sky buzzed with life Boats in the air dad too young for his wife
They looked at each other and said not a word They fell back to sea before anyone heard And swam for the bottom through fathoms and foam Hoping the strange ring would take them back home
Rediscovery, epilogue
Ships in the night still report a rogue vessel And two divers struggling appearing to wrestle Unchaining the anchor to get underway Perhaps to return forty years to the day